Barely (Para) Legal

Law is a solemn profession. I'm a distinctly casual individual. Law is conservative. I'm crazy. The resultant friction amuses me, so I talk about it.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Law 666 Final Exam

Name: B. Paralegal

1.) How prepared are you for your exams?
a.) Very prepared -- I studied all last week.
b.) Somewhat prepared -- I've reviewed old tests & quizzes.
c.) Somewhat unprepared -- I wish I had spent more time on this.
d.) Ridiculously fucking unprepared, and surprisingly unconcerned about it.

Answer: D

2.) How do you feel about take-home finals?
a.) I love them -- they more accurately reflect the real-life usage of the material covered in the course.
b.) I like them -- they mean I can organize my own time instead of having to attend class.
c.) I don't like them -- they're usually twice as hard as in-class assignments and take four times as long to complete.
d.) I converted to Islam, just so I could swear a fatwa out on them. Death to the take-home finals!

Answer: D

3.) How does it make you feel when professors try to get you to turn in take-home finals before the finals date listed on the syllabus?
a.) I think it's great; we get done sooner!
b.) It's OK; they need time to get them graded.
c.) I don't like it, but what am I going to do about it?
d.) ARRRRGH! NOT! SO VERY NOT! HATE! (incoherent with rage)

Answer: D

4.) If you answered "D" to one or more of the above, how the hell do you think you're going to survive law school, missy?
a.) I don't know.
b.) I don't fucking know.
c.) I don't know, and I don't care.
d.) I have no fucking clue, and I don't give a fuck; semester is over, pass the [insert intoxicating beverage here]!

Answer: D

If, like me, all your answers were "D", you, too, may be barely paralegal. Good luck, everyone; I'm going to crack open a Mike's Hard Lemonade and toast myself, for not actively laying waste to anyone during this difficult time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoohooo!! You survived Stubbs.

And yes, most Discordian gift EVER - but I'm really going to enjoy reading it - it's such a SOLID sized book.

2:44 PM  
Blogger Pope Lizbet said...

Isn't it impressive? I have constant dreams of someday using it to defend myself against home invasion.

11:11 AM  

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